create clarity

embrace change

NIAMH ENNIS pink suit.jpg

Hi, I’m Niamh.

Welcome to my world. I’m so happy to have you here!

As Ireland’s leading leading Transformation Coach and Business Mentor, I help women get clarity on what it is they want and the confidence to create it, both in life and business.

For LIFE - The EVOLVE 1-1 Coaching Experience

For BUSINESS - The BELIEVE BESPOKE 1-1 Mentoring for women in Business

Whether you want to rebuild confidence in yourself; bring more meaning back into your life create a solid structure in your business, or change your career, I will support you through my signature blend of Solution Focused coaching.

If you’re ready to bring your vision to life and to meet the next level in your life or business, in a way that feels true to you, then click below to explore just how I can help you do that.


Work with me




Believe me, I’ve researched ALL the coaches, I follow so many of them on social media, I listen to all the recommendations, read all the newsletters and I have done more free challenges than I would ever admit to. But finding Niamh and working with her these past few months has finally made all that research worthwhile.

If you’re looking to change some piece of your life and are anxious about what to do then I’d suggest you get in touch with Niamh and find out just what she is about.
— Cathy, Kilkenny






Book your FREE 30-minute Breakthrough Call below and let’s discover just how I can support you to bring clarity back into your life or your business.

Simply click the button below and let’s have a chat…




TOOLS TO HELP YOU navigate life’s challenges


I am passionate about change. In my new guide, 7 Simple Steps towards Change, you'll receive powerful guidance that will take you through the entire process of change in a way that feels palatable, relevant and above all doable!

I’m a big advocate of the power of journaling. It has the ability to transform how you think, how you feel and how you behave. In this free PDF download, you'll receive my potent journaling prompts to help you get started.

There are people pleasing traits in all of us.This simple quiz will help you identify where people-pleasing is present in your life. Knowing this, will inspire you to create better boundaries in your life.

In my TOUGH LOVE ENERGY podcast, I share all of the tools that you need to transform your life. Are you fed up of hearing what people think you want to hear, instead of what you really need?


Since 2019, I’ve been a columnist for IMAGE Magazine, Ireland's favourite source for the latest in lifestyle, business, culture and fashion news. Each week, I discuss a theme that I know will resonate with you. Here you’ll find an extensive library of my articles…


Think of the most positive and encouraging friend you have, only then add straight talking and meaningful, unbiased advice. I can genuinely say how I look at things and how I see myself has changed so much since working with Niamh. I’m so much more content and and more importantly I have greater confidence that I can create the future I’ve been searching for. That’s something I never thought I’d have again.
— Kate, Dublin





My debut book, ‘Get Unstuck’, was the book I went looking for when I experienced my first life-changing event but couldn’t find anything that showed me that others had experienced what I was feeling.

This practical, helpful and reassuring book will show you exactly what steps to take to create your new life, when your old one falls apart, through personal stories, practical tools and simple exercises. It’s for anyone looking for a way back.

'“Get Unstuck is a brilliant book that will inspire you to embrace change and turn your challenges into the opportunities for transformation.” - Rebecca Campbell, world renowned writer, mystic, teacher.